1-Can people trust me to do what’s right?
2-Am I committed to doing my very best?
3-Do I treat people the way I want to be treated?
“If the answers to these questions are Yes , there is no way you can fail”.
What Lou Holtz is trying to tell us that
This can means like a bestfriend.
The 2 question means , if I do my very best , this would be regret by some good thing like an present or something more special .
This kind of question can be with two different answers “or conclusions”.
1 that we do our very best to do or make something wonderful .
And 2 will be that we make something good, but we only do it for to be responsible with things that we promise .
And the 3 question means that if we treat someone at our way “like we want to be treat“ we would feel better when we talk to other people .
In other words i treat my stepmother with sweet thing “sweet words” , and then she tell me the same But I like to be in communication with her , so she show me all she did at all the days that I don’t see her. word to me but in different question.
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