Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving day
Thanksgiving is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the Fourth thursday of November in the United States. Prayers of thanks and special thanksgiving ceremonies are common among almost all religions after harvests and at other times . In the English tradition , days of thanksgiving and special thanksgiving religious services became important during the English Reformation in the reign of Henry VIll and in reaction to the large number of religious holidays on the Catholic calendar.

Thanksgiving day is a national holiday celebrated in Canada and the United States. It was originally celebrated as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. The modern Thanksgiving holiday tradition is commonly, but not universally, traced to sparsely documented 1621 celebration at Plymouth in present-day Massachusetts . The traditional representation of where the first Thanksgiving was held in the United States has often been a subject of boosterism and debate, though the debate is often confused by mixing up the ideas of a Thanksgiving holiday celebration and a Thanksgiving religious service. These claims include an earlier religious service by Spanish explorers in Texas at San Elizario in 1598, as well as thanksgiving feasts in the Virginia Colony.
1-Having families together 1 0-Thanks for having a lot of friends
2-Thank you for having a lot of food (pavo) 11-Thanks for having my specials neighbors
3-Thanks for the Time to be on peace 12-Thanks for having my entire body.
4-Thank for the special day
5- Thanks for having my Mom
6-Thanks for having my Dad
7-Thanks for been alive
8-Thanks for the yiya still alive
9-Thanks for the lives